Live Music Photography : Gungor

Last November I had the opportunity to shoot Gungor at Warehouse Live. The show was in the green room which is a smallish, very intimate venue which allowed me to get some up-close personal shots of the band. It also posed some issues with very poor lighting and lack of stage ambience. So my challenge was to get crisp, clear photos and rely on the interest of the musicians, fans and instruments.

The pre concert anticipation was great as over 100 people crammed into a room designed to handle many less. Everyone was very considerate and kind enough to allow me the shots I wanted in such cramped quarters.

Once the show started, I wasn't exactly sure how I would be able to get shots without standing directly in front of the crowd. Many of them were seated on the ground. I realized that stage left and right were pretty good angles and I just kept moving in between. The band was also very cooperative in letting me invade their space- even on stage.

Gungor put on a great show and really connected with the crowd. I took over 200 shots of the performance and most of them turned out pretty good. I'm only posting these few as many of the shots clicked look the same. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the results. 

I really enjoy shooting in low light. The high ISO offers a true, gritty feel to the images. In retrospect, I probably should have worked the crowd in more and shot from their vantage point. Live and learn. Thoughts? Comments?